Thursday, 18 September 2014



At the beginning of the day we began to make fabric using fabric fiber.
The things we needed were:

Bubble wrap
Fabric fibers
Washing up liquid
Warm water
Thin wire material
Boiling water 
A Bowl 

With this we would get the fabric fibers and layer them over eachother in thin amounts. Then after we cross layered the fabrics we used the thin wire material and place it over the fabric fibers then use the warm water which should have washing up liquid in and dripped the water over the wire. After this, when we had layered our pattern or symbols on, we soaked the fabric in the warm soap water and then rolled it into the bubble wrap. We rolled the fabric for 4 mins, then we turned it 90 degrees and redid this method to streath it out evenly. When this was completed, we wrapped it into a material and placed it in boiling water. 


We used methods from the previous session to draw previous patterns from our other pieces which we then used brusho ink to add colour to the paper. Some of the materials we used were cotton and silk, we did basic trials on a strong paper. 

We then got some material and put a coloured background for the next session in textiles. Some of these we tie dyed or just painted. 

Thursday, 11 September 2014



In the first session of the 4 week period in which I am doing textiles, we had to create patterns with wax on paper and fabric. The purpose of this was so that when we covered the material/paper with ink the wax would not absorb the wax leaving a pattern out despite being covered in colour. We could repeat this on the same sheet to give different coloured backgrounds and different sections to the wax. Once the sheet was completed you would use news print to go over the ink to take away excess, then we would use the news print to iron the fabric/paper to smoothen the wax into the sheet.


in the second section to the first session we then got pieces of material and painted with a special paint designed to stain into material and with this we created our own pattern. We also used a type of 3D outliner, which looked a lot like henna, to create an added effect to our work.