Tuesday, 16 December 2014


For this project the research I did, was on what kind of artist Peter Clarke was, and he is mainly a college artist but he also works with wood, leather and glass. After I researched who he was and the type of work he did, I then looked at his work and the pieces which he has had in exhibition. He influenced my final piece by his colourful use of collage which fit with my animal which is a chameleon which blends in with its background, helping me use the mixed detail to create its camouflage effect easier.

My first mood board was looking at me and what is important in my life; this was to help me gather ideas on what animal I could do. The next mood board was a study on Peter Clarke, recreating his art pieces with a collage, using magazines, cardboard and parcel paper. Next I created a mood board on my animal looking at its qualities. My final mood board was a collage of my animal which again was used with different materials in different colours using magazine articles to create the distinct Peter Clarke style. We also created a 3D cardboard cut-out of our animal which was also collaged.

Throughout the project I used PVA for the cardboard cut out of my animal, Cardboard, print paper, magazine paper (mainly used for the collages), brusho inks for the background, coloured pencil and fine liner to high light key images or detail.

There wasn’t much of a health and safety use, but when we used our craft knifes we would have to use cutting boards and we would have to watch our fingers when using the knife.

My strengths were colouring with coloured pencils and cutting pieces out to fit the collage outline. I had some issues sticking the collage pieces down as the glue would get everywhere with both a glue stick and PVA. If I were to do the project differently I would have took more time and more thought into my work and avoided rushing my mood boards because I’ve redone them as I did not think they were up to standard which has caused me to do extra work in the short amount of time given.

I believe the collage effect went really well getting the colours for my animal and it created an outstanding look. Looking at Peter Clarkes work has helped me create a better idea of my work not just using coloured paper but also map work and articles to make it stand out more.

I could improve my attention to detail as on some parts of my collages I have gone over the outline making it look un-neat and rushed.

I would’ve managed my time much easier if I’d have not redone so much of my work due to being unhappy with my work. I have managed to finish at the deadline as most of my work has been re-done at home or in SOLE. I believe we could have had more time to ensure our work was at a better standard and could be improved before handing them in.

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