Sunday, 18 January 2015


I decided to base the Portrait project on myself. I chose myself as I thought I would be able to produce myself how I see myself. I also thought it would be better as I know myself more than others and it would be easier to portray into my art work.
 I looked at 3 different artists, Andy Warhol, Anthony Wysard and Pablo Picasso. I looked at the artist Andy Warhol as he produced many printed art works like the one he produced for Vogue on Caroline De Monaco. Looking at Anthony Wysard, I liked his work as it was very sketchy and cartoon looking, as Wysard was a caricaturist. The third artist was Pablo Picasso, I noticed his art was very plain and simple but had a range of unusual colours and shapes which were there to make what looked to be a face.  
 Some mood boards went well; the artist research sheet was one of them. However the sheet which I was experimenting different media with I didn't have the photos to attach as they were took on my phone due to an issue with the cameras.
 I thought using Brusho inks and bleach on my final piece was very effective as it added the colour to my work and the eye-catching effect. I liked how my hair was done using black card with white pencil to add Shine effect. I added the newspaper at the bottom to create a different texture. Then I used cut outs from magazines of my favourite artists to put on the outside to show my interest. There is also a small element of water colours which is seen on my lips on my final piece.
 I believe my brusho ink technique has improved to a great standard. Other techniques I already found quite easy, but again I believe I've still improved them to a good standard shown on my final piece.
 I managed my time well, however a big problem was I didn't find some of my work adequate and therefore I re-did them to something I myself preferred. I have also learned how to do Mono printing; this was very effective to my final piece.
 I didn't think that the project was as much useful for the art side, as it was just the same media as in previous projects but more of finding I and my personality.

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