This Piece I have chosen to do is very colourful and ranges from pinks to blues which I find very interesting as again it manages to be subtle, possibly due to the form or the shape. There’s light shadowing in black but it doesn’t take the lightness away from the piece. It’s realistic yet it’s different to how you would see a flower. This piece was done in Oil.
My version of this piece has similar shape, however, the tones could be softer and much lighter. My blending isn't brilliant but I found it hard to blend due to using Acrylic rather than Oil. I believe this piece could be better altogether. There’s not much to it like can be said about O’Keeffe’s work. I don't think I will use this in my final piece as there’s is a lot of room for improvement and I don't believe I have the time it would take me to create work like this to the standard of O'Keeffe.