My Roy Best critical study was good but I believe that I could have done better comsidering some of the work has been cut out from another piece of paper and stuck onto a background. I did the Hollywood styled face in acrylic but the background in ink. I also added two photos of some of Bests other works. However, they look very out of place considering they have a background of their own. I think I did them too small also and could have done them a lot bigger to show the small details he has done. I like the background as it is a Georgia O'Keeffe piece but wasn't full enough on the page for me to continue with it so I made it a background for this to solve my probelm of where to put the face cut out. I know I could have been neater on this piece hence why I have made it an old sheet which I am learning to improve from. Now, my new Roy Best critical study is mucb smoother, neater and placement is much better. i do believe I have learned from the mistakes I have done on this sheet.
I dont mind my old Alberto Vargas sheet that I have done However, it could be better put together, with more to fill the page rather than just print outs of his work dotted around. I think I could have added more critical studies to the sheet and worked the print outs better into the page with better placement. I again have cut out my critical study and stuck it onto another sheet to give it a background I think I could have prepared to do a back ground before starting my main piece and It is the same for my Roy Best piece too. In the past I believe this has been the main issue that I have left blank space and made my work look sparse due to this.
My critical study on Angela Moulton is pretty much perfect but I felt like it needed a background, a thick one. The colours are really bright and intense like the original and it's a shame I didnt think about the background before doing the foreground because this would have been perfect. I didnt want to add a background because I like the way that it is and I can now show the smallest, but still useful, development from this one to my latest version.
Another problem with all of these Critical Studies is the fact I have writted the artists name on the front taking up quite some space, that could have been useful for something else. Hence why I cut them out from their original piece of paper. They are all also too small and i wish my work to be the same size and as large and outstanding as they can be.
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