Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Experimentation: Pyrography FMP

My pin up Pyrography was fun to create and quite easy to produce. I used a small piece of MDF and burnt on the pencil marks to create the outline. I then used a swirling method to get shading, I could have done better on the parts where I have accidentally used lines to shade and it shows the points where the pyrography has stopped to change direction. I didn’t do the face as there was a lot of detail but I may plan to do a simple face like on tattoo designs. Overall I don't think it’s something I plan to use in my final design, but it might make a great base to some of my work if I were to paint over it. I may be able to make a stamp/print with this too creating neater lines than those on lino and mono print, and I won’t have to free hand it making it easier if I decide to create a repetitive pattern.

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